How to Make a Notebook
Materials needed:-2 sheets of printer paper
-any number of regular white paper
-lots of string-preferably rainbow coloured
- a 3-hole hole puncher-the long hole puncher type
-a 1-hole hole puncher
1. Fold all the paper in half.
2. Measure 5 inches starting from the top left hand corner. Then use a pencil to mark a horizontal line across the paper from where the 5 inches end.
3. Cut on the line.
4. Now hole punch all the paper using the long hole puncher.
5. Using the 1-hole hole puncher, punch in between the two other holes.
Now you're good!
6. Cut a small length of string and slide string through a hole in the paper. After, tie 3 knots. Do this 3 times.
After, you're done! Admire your brilliant notebook that you made all by yourself.
BTW, I thought of this idea when my mom was cutting my hair. I was so hyped up to try it and it took me FOREVER to make 2 small notebooks.