Monday, 28 November 2016

My Birthday

Yay! It's my birthday! Well, soon! Yay!

Guess what? It's my birthday in...
             5 DAYS!!!!!
Yay yay yay yay yay!!!!! And the bets part is: DAD SAYS I CAN USE MY BIRTHDAY MONEY TO BUY CLOTHES AND SHOES!!! Even HIGH-HEELED ones! But they have to be short heels!!!!! 
YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And we're going to Mandarin!! Mom, Dad, Kai, my best friend Elena, and Ginny are going to be there!!!! I've only been to Mandarin when I was like, 2, and Elena says it's her FAVOURITE restaurant and she goes there for her birthday. 
Anyways, BYE!!!!!!!
Image result for its my birthday

Sunday, 13 November 2016


Hey guys! Anyways, I will try to send a link to Slideshare. Then you guys can watch slides! Or just search up 'halloween slides' on Google. Click the 3rd result (not including images.) Then, it'll take you to Slideshare and you can watch a slide. I've watched it. Very fun. Few facts and pictures. And funny. 
Well, baboosh!
After you've gotten there, search up halloween slides. Then click the first result. It'll say Paco Carmona Halloween Slides. 

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day
Hi everyone. As you all know, Remembrance Day was Friday 11, which was 2 days ago. I will put in Flanders' Fields as a tribute to all the soldiers who died in war. 
It's a beautiful poem. Remember back in the summer I typed some haikus. Well, this is WAY better. 

Image result for flanders field poem

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Questions, questions, QUESTIONS!!!!

Hi, guys! Today, I’d like to ask you: how did you like Halloween? How many candies did you get?
Poll: What’s your favourite candy?
-chocolate (Smarties, Kit Kat, Aero, etc.) Note: BE SPECIFIC IN COMMENTS
-Tootsie Rolls/Tootsie Pops
- Reese’s
- Rockets
Or, do you like chips? TELL ME. What type of chips do you like?
Anyways, today’s post was just questions for you. J

Anyways, today I'll make a Halloween slide. And I'll give you a link to it.