Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Bday/Christmas Post

Bday/Christmas Post

Hey guys. Have you ever been waiting for something so long, and then it's over and you have nothing left to wait for? Well, I can't feel that when it's my birthday cause a few weeks later it's CHRISTMAS!!! Anyways, birthday summary: it was on a Friday. YAY!!!!
-Opened my gifts at breakfast-Lego set, new shirt, card, toffee bar, and caramels
-Went to dinner at Mandarin w/ family, aunt, and best friend Elena
SO yay!!!! 
My aunt gave me money, and a card. My grandparents gave me a puzzle and a card and money. Elena gave me money, a bracelet with my monagram, and a game book. And a card. 
So, anyways, I'm doing a Christmas poll. 
Favourite Xmas Songs
-Jingle Bells
-It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
-Mary's Boy Child
-Baby It's Cold Outside
I'd pick Mary's Boy Child. Anyways, feel free to comment if you can. Some fans have said to me that the commenting won't work for them. So email me instead. 

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