Friday 12 January 2018

Another Post Starring...LAYLA!!!!!!!!!! (Too Much Exclamation Marks?)


I LIKE my new blog background! I was hoping you would notice it but I'm not that subtle (and patient), so...

YOU LIKEY????????

That's enough of that. Hmm...Should I theme this post? Make it like a FACT post...YES, I SHOULD! I know a website...wait. 
New Years by the to!!!!!!
  1. Each New Year's, 1 million people gather in Times Square to watch the ball drop. 
  2. Close to 1 billion people watch the ball drop from TV.
  3.  At midnight, 2, 000 pounds of confetti are dropped on the crowd.
  4. 44% of Americans plan to kiss someone on the stroke of 12, 61% say a prayer on New Year's Eve, and 22% admit to falling asleep before midnight.
  5. 45% of Americans make New Year's resolutions. Here are the 5 most popular ones: lose weight, get organized, spend less and save more, stay fit and healthy, and to quit smoking. 
  6. 75% keep their resolutions for 1 week, 71% keep theirs for 2 weeks, and 64% keep theirs for 4 weeks. And 46% keep theirs for 26 weeks. 
  7. Many people spend the New Year's with a bottle of bubbly. Americans consume close to 360 million glasses of sparkling wine during the holiday season.
1. Covered in 2, 688 triangular shaped crystals
2. Lit by 32, 000 LEDS
3.  Weighs 11, 875 LBS
4. and is 12 feet in diameter. 

How do you like those facts? Interesting, right?
Well, this blog IS Layla's Picks, right?
Billboard Top 100 Songs -I cropped the list and copied the top 5.
  1. Perfect by Ed Sheeran and Beyonce
  2. Havana by Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug
  3. Rockstar by Post Malone featuring 21 Savage
  4. Thunder by Imagine Dragons
  5. No Limit by G-Eazy featuring A$AP Rocky & Cardi B
That's all the time we've got, folks. 
C ya!!!
Layla, as always

Thursday 4 January 2018

A Belated New Year/Greetings


This is how I'm starting off my posts now: cool font as title, and then I proceed as usual. GOOD MORNING! Or good afternoon, good night, good evening, good etc, depends on what time you are reading this. I want to wish you a Happy New Year! Well, a belated one, anyways!
So...of course, we need a New Year's poll! Not just boring resolutions you're not going to keep, a POLL! 

New Year's Poll: what do you like to do to ring in the New Year? Oh, this sentence is reminding me of something I did last year for New Years. I put a fireworks GIF and said "let's ring in the New Year ALRIGHT!" I can't believe I've had a blog for ONE YEAR now! Oh and back to the poll: what do you like to do to ring in the New Year?
1. Sit on the couch and watch a New Year's show on TV. 
2. Go to tons of parties and party the night away!
3. Host a good dinner with family and friends.
Number 1 is definitely me. Number 2 is obviously Mama Salve, and 3 is probably Mom. 
Oh, and since it wouldn't be Layla's Picks without a pick...what is your favourite movie playing in theaters right now? 
Mine is Pitch Perfect 3. 
Box Office Top 10 Films of All Time
1. Star Wars the Force Awakens (2015)
2. Avatar (2009)
3. Titanic (1997)
4. Jurassic World (2015)
5. Marvel's the Avengers (2015)
6. The Dark Night (2008)
7. Rogue One: a Star Wars story (2016)
8. Star Wars: the Last Jedi (2017)
9. Beauty and the Beast (2017)
10. Finding Dory (2016)
Thanks everyone for a brilliant 2017! I'm hoping for a good 2018!
Happy New Year!