Grade 7-Tips on Getting Organized-
Hi Bloggers!
Let's start this off with a fact: did you know that this is my 44th blog post? And my first blog post of this school semester? (Well, actually, you would, if you counted all the posts. That would take too long, though. Maybe I should have a 50th anniversary celebration with crazy fonts you can't read and so many pictures.)
As you all know (or not), I'm starting Grade 7. That's a whole new thing! Seriously, it is. Back when I was in Grade 6, I had barely any homework! Oh no, I'm sounding like an old person... (See the effects Grade 7 is having on me?!)
There is...
1. Homework (a lot! An hour, if you're lucky.)
2. Tests! And key assessments, quizzes, exams...whatever you like to call it (I have at least one a day. Sometimes three.)
3. Projects! Essays! Paragraphs! Rough drafts! (You get the point now, right?)
If you're like me and you're experiencing the effects of Grade 7, I have a medicine I can prescribe you with. It'll make you feel better and it's called...
Reading #44 of Layla's Picks!
That's right, this post is CHOCK-FULL of stuff to help you get organized and survive the madness!
Let's start...
Tip #1: Stop freaking out and be calm (I know, this is a hard step.)
This is a hard step, but as soon as you stay calm, the process gets a WHOLE lot easier.
Tip #2: Get the things you need for school and decide what helps you learn best
For school, I got binders, dividers, highlighters, and lined paper and washi tape. I'm a visual learner, so colors and underlining help me. That's why this blog post is full of colors.
Tip #3: Stay organized
Did I blind you for a sec?
You should stay organized! Divide your binders with dividers and make sections for notes, worksheets...everything. Make sure you have time for homework and always carry a pencil or two in your bag. And also PIROTIZE! I mean, prioritize. See? I was so busy writing this blog, I forgot the spelling! I have to prioritize spelling. Make sure you do what you need to d first.
Tip #4: Get stuff done
This is the most obvious but NEEDED tip: get stuff done. When you're in my grade, you get lots of homework. You can't bring it all home or else you'll need a freight train instead of a backpack! So you have to finish stuff! My strategy is to get the easiest and quickest stuff done. If I have math, language, and French homework, I'd do French first (it's quick stuff), then language (I'm good at that), and then take home math if I didn't have time to do it at school. But you should also try to do math first if it's just a worksheet, then you don't have a dad to try and give you more homework and make you study it.
Tip #5: Have a good relationship
You should have a good relationship with your teachers, friends, and parents. It sounds cheesy, but if you do, you can depend on them for help on lots of things. In the two months I've been in Grade 7, I've asked my friends for help at least three times and I've asked my teacher 1500 questions.
Also, ask your teacher if they have a class website or a Google Classroom to help you stay on top of things. If you don't have an agenda, buy one.
Tip #6: Write stuff down
Always write stuff down if it helps you! In my class, I'm the first one to get up for a sheet of lined paper when the teacher writes on the board. It might be embarrassing for you, but it'll come in handy when everyone but you's panicking because they don't know what to study on that big test you have tomorrow.
Tip #7: Show your smarts
This is my last tip but also my most important one: show your stuff and show your smarts. If you want to know something and you don't know it, ask your teacher. Don't be embarrassed to ask a question and especially don't think you're dumb if you ask one. Every smart person I know asks many, many questions. If you know the answer to a question, raise your hand. It improves your attitude and how you look to others. And even if you're guessing, raise your hand. It could be a learning experience.
Thank you all for reading this post and tolerating my seven month lateness.
Love you all! Kisses and hugs!
And don't forget...
Show your smarts and show your stuff!
Your Fabulous LAYLA

Can you see this picture or does it not show? Please please please tell me.
Merci beaucoup!
Hi everyone, I have no idea why everything is all caps. Every time I write, I write as I would regularly, but it comes out all wrong. I have no idea what's wrong.
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