Monday, 20 February 2017

Calculations That Will Tell You How Smart I Am

Yeah, That's Right!

OK, so I was bored. I got the idea while trying to fall asleep. I thought, 'hmm..I wonder how many seconds are in 12 hours?' So, I decided to calculate that when I woke up.

There are:
43,200 seconds in 12 hours. How did I get that? Well, multiply 60 (number of seconds in 1 min.) by 60 (number of minutes in an hour). 60 x 60=3, 600. 3, 600 x 12 hrs =43,200.

86,400 seconds in 24 hours, which is a day.  How did I get that? Multiply 43, 200 by 2, which is 86, 400. Or double 43, 200. 

720 minutes in 12 hours. How did I get that? 6o minutes in an hour x 12 hours= 720.
1,440 minutes in 24 hours. How did I get that? Again, same as with the seconds. Double the first number. 720 + 720=1440. 
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Now say, "THANKS, LAYLA!!!" Why did you do that? Because Layla just told you some COOL facts you can now say to make you seem smarter! That's an invitation to read this blog! You'll have a cheat sheet to being smarter! 

Saturday, 11 February 2017

OMG. It's 8:12 and I'm Typing My Butt Off

Yes. This is true. I'm so bored. Anyways, let's have an interview with Little Bro!
 L=me, B=bro. 
L: What's your favourite colour? 
B: Green. 
L: What do you like to play with?
B: Uh...Lego.
L: Be more specific. What type of Lego?
B: Star Wars. 
L:  Figurines?
B: Yeah.

L: You have to tell me everything. Kay! What is your favourite Lego guy?
B: Uh.....uh..Darth Vader.

L: Why do you like him?
B: Because he has a lightsaber and a cape. 

L: Moving on. Next question. old are you?
B: 4.

L: OK. What's your favourite food?
B: Bread.

L: That's cute. What grade are you in?
B: JK. 

L:Your teachers are?
B: Mrs. Daher and Ms. Polito.

L: OK. Who are your friends in school?
B: Uh...Shane, Kin, Logan.

B: And Mina.
L: Do you like school?
B: Yes.

L: What do you like to do in school?
B: Play with the waffle blocks. 
L: you go on the bus?
B: Yes! 

L: Who do you sit with? Your sister? 
B: Cullen.
L: And what do you talk about?
B: Uh....Lego Star Wars.

L: Are any of the others on your bus friends with you?
B: Yes. Big kids. Max, and Maria.

L: Who's Maria?
B: Elena's older sister.
L: And who's Elena?
B: My sister's friend.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Anyways, so, since Valentine's Day is right around the corner, I thought I'd make some Valentine's for my class. Here are two drawings I drew then went through Photoshop with. By the way, I learned how to use Photoshop. ⤀👱💗💗👲 
 It looks good, doesn't it? Now wait for the owl. Mr. Owl is like, so cute. And so I-Went-Through-Photoshop looking. 

Like, how is that?
Hope You Like!

Anyways, Valentine's Day quiz! 

What's Your Valentine's Day Personality? - Blogthings

Anyways, wish ya well, Valentine hater or Valentine lover! 
Image result for valentine hater     Image result for hopeless romantic drawing

#VDayHater                           #VDayLover

Thursday, 2 February 2017

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Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Yes. I'm doing a post about love. What's wrong with that? 
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How do you like to be shown love on Valentine's Day?
-candy hearts with sweet messages
-chocolate hearts
-bouquet of flowers-your choice!
-a card
-a hug (or a kiss-hee hee!)
I'd like chocolate hearts-cute and yummy! Anyways, in case you don't know the story, I'll tell you. 
St. Valentine was a Roman priest in the time when there was an emperor called Claudias who persecuted the church at that time. Claudias also had a command that would not let young people marry. This was because of the assumption that unmarried soldiers fought better than married soldiers because married soldiers might be afraid of what might happen to them/their families if they died. 
St. Valentine was all about the idea of encouraging the people to marry within the Christian church. He secretly helped them marry because of the command. 
Valentine was eventually caught, imprisoned, and tortured for performing marriage ceremonies against the command of the emperor. One of the men to judge him in line with the Roman law at that time was a man called, Asterius, whose daughter was blind. 
St. Valentine was supposed to have prayed with and healed her with such an astonishing effect that Asterius became Christian as a result. 

Valentine was sentenced to death all because of his stand for Christian marriage. The story goes that the last words he wrote were in a note to Asterius' daughter. He inspired today's romantic letters by signing it, 'from your Valentine'. 
Valentine has come to be known as the saint of love. 

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Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!
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If  you  ask  me
How  long  I  will  love  you
I  just  have  one  thing  to  say
Past  present  and  future,
And  each and every day.
Oh my gosh, right now I'm being SO sappy. Time to kick some better stuff in!! 

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Thar's all for today. Until next time! Please comment if you can. IF you can.