I'm So Sorry, Everyone
I know. Last time I posted was April 28th. But don't worry! I'm going to try to update my blog weekly, now. Before, I didn't have a blog schedule. Because I was too busy with my own schedule! A girl has plans, y'know! Last week, I went to a wedding and a picnic party! And then my car got a flat tire!! (So I had dinner at 8:00.)
Enough with my news. NEXT poll: what is your favourite summer activity?
A) going to the beach
B) chilling out in the house with the A.C. on
C) playing sports/getting active (soccer, badminton, etc.)
D) lying in a hammock
I think mine is A) going to the beach. That way you can get active, lie down, and have fun in the sun! I say that the best way of enjoying the summer is getting out in the heat! I mean, we wait ALL YEAR to enjoy summer then lock ourselves in our houses! Now's the time to enjoy summer and have fun!
What have you been doing? Going traveling or chilling out at home? The second one is TOTALLY me. I've been flying kites, going to parties, and playing at the park with my bro!
This blog wouldn't be Layla's Picks if it didn't have 'picks.' So, here's my opinion on favourite summer fruit is WATERMELON! Always have some slices of juicy red watermelon! This fruit is VERY sweet and is really healthy! A REALLY GOOD treat to have when you're really hot, but can't find some sweet ice cream.
I just read an older post of mine called OMG. It's 8:12 and I'm Typing My Butt Off. In that post, I did an interview with Little Bro. I just realized I could do an interview NOW and compare it to the older one.
L=me, B=bro
L: What's your favourite colour?
B: Uh...red.
L: What do you like to play with?
B: I like to play with trucks, and Flash, and Spiderman, and Lego, and superheroes. And Power Rangers, and swords.
L: What is your favourite Lego Star Wars guy?
B: Darth Vader and Han Solo and Luke.
L: Only one!
B: Darth Vader!
L: How old are you?
B: I am five. My birthday was in June. 29.
L: I'm sorry everyone if this is boring, but, I'm having to ask A LOT of questions to get a little bit of answers. Who are your friends in school?
B: Logan, Shane, Riley, um, uh, Francis, Mina, Hrag, that's all. And Jalen!
L: Wow, lots of friends. Do you like school? And what grade are you going to?
B: Yes. I like school, and I'm going to SK, and I'm gonna be 6.
L: That's it for now, peeps. This will get boring if I keep droning on.
My little brother is the same, except for the age and colour.
This was a long post and I'm sorry to say goodbye.

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