Monday, 24 October 2016

Poll Post

Fact Poll Post Continued

Hello! I’ve come to ask you, what is your favorite activity to do in the fall? Please answer in the comments. 

Fall Activities:                                                                   

-  Rake leaves and jump in them

-  Dress up for Halloween/Carve your pumpkin/ Throw a Halloween party

-  Collect colorful leaves

-  Go for a hike

-  Go for a hayride

-  Enjoy warm treats on a cold/cool day

- Other
I’d say my favorite fall activity would be Halloween activities. So much fun! I love dressing up, decorating my house, and carving a pumpkin. Also, I LOVE dong scary makeup! So fun!
Hey, speaking of Halloween, I will make a poll right here!
Halloween Activities:
-      Dress up
-      Do makeup
-      Carving a pumpkin
-      Going trick o’ treating
-      Decorating your house
-      Throwing a Halloween themed party
My fav would be dressing up. It’s just so cool! I love looking spooky! Would like to see your costumes, so you could try posting a picture of them on the comments box. Anyways, see (well, I’ll write) to you soon!
Happy Halloween!!
Love and Hugs,
You Anonymous Blogger :)

Monday, 10 October 2016

FACTS! Exciting!!!

FACTS! Exciting!!!

Today I decided that I’d give you some interesting facts. Here are 11:
-At least 22 million gallons of water is trapped in plastic bottles and thrown into landfills every year in the U.S alone.

-There are 93 million Wangs in China, is the most popular name in the country.

-Caodaism is a Vietnamese religion that worships Joan of Arc, Shakespeare, and Muhammad.

-Each year, up to 50 million people are injured in traffic accidents, globally.

-Australia’s first police force was composed of the best behaved convicts.

-The biggest dam built by beavers is twice as long as Hoover Dam.

-The giant palm salamander can stick its tongue out 50 times faster than you can blink.

-Norway’s coastline is long enough to circle the planet 2 and a half times.

-Each anteater eats about 35,000 ants and termites each day.

-The hole in the ozone layer of Antarctica is twice the size as Europe.

-Breathing 100% oxygen,instead of the 21% in our atmosphere, is generally bad, and sometimes toxic.

-St.Lucia is the only country in the world named after a woman.

So, what did you think of that? I had NO idea that there was a religion called Caodaism. It’s really interesting, this post.

HEY! I have another fact. FACT: this post is very funny/interesting. HEE! X10,000,000,000

Friday, 7 October 2016

I Don't Know. Quit asking me what this is called!!

I Do Not Know What to Call This Post

Again, I’m back. Today I had so much fun with my friends at school today. Inside Story: the friends I was playing with are: Madison (Madi), Elena, Joshua, Angela, and Monica (Moni). Madi had a scarf and Angela actually started the game. She took Madi’s scarf and Madi started chasing her. Then my best friend Elena saw them playing and she said, “C’mon Layla, let’s play!” So we joined in and then Joshua and Monica joined in once they were outside. Then I had the scarf and was waving it around. I was only focusing on where Madi, Angela, and Elena (we ended up with teams) were that I tripped and fell flat on my butt. It hard so badly. I looked up and a bunch of faces were staring in my face. (The people I was with.) Elena asked, “Are you OK?” I started laughing. It was so funny, but I don’t know why! I guess I was having so much fun that I thought it was really funny.

Well, that was basically all that went on in my life today.

I  guess this is an update on my school day.

Bye and see you soon,

Image result for girls clipart

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Hello, I'm Back!!!/Thanksgiving

Hello, I'm Back!!!/Thanksgiving
Hello, I’m back! My humorous, beautiful self!! I know, right? You totally missed me. ANYWAYS, this is a Happy Thanksgiving post. So, restart.
Hello, and happy Thanksgiving! I’m so happy to be seeing you again. (That was a lie-I can’t see you.) Today I’m wishing you a happy Thanksgiving. Here is a list of things that I’m beyond grateful to have:
- A home to live in
- A family
- Friends
- A peaceful country
- A blog
There’s more. Food, water, etc. I’m so thankful for Canada. We are not involved in war, and we have no diseases. Today, I read the book Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. It’s a book about Compassion, the virtue of this month. You should read it.
Anyways, that’s mostly all I want to cover with you today. (Do I sound weird?)
If you have any friends (and I hope you do :)), then please tell them about this blog. I want people to read it. Not because I want to be popular, but I want people to smile in their life. Have fun reading. Laugh.

So, goodbye for the day! And hope to see you commenting! Image result for turkey