Friday, 12 August 2016


About Me

Hi. I know I should have told you about myself earlier, but I forgot. So, I'll give you guys 11 facts about myself, because 11's my favourite number.
1. I was born in Canada
2. I have a passion for fashion, the computer, and basically anything artsy
3. I am learning French, and I can speak a little Tagalog. I've recently tried to learn Italian on the Internet. Quite easy.
4. I have 1 younger brother, who torments and loves me day and night. He's so funny, because whatever I say to him, sooner or later he says it back.
5. I love to play board games like Scrabble, Monopoly, and Backgammon. I'm still learning Backgammon, though.
6. I will eat anything with potatoes, unless if it's fish, spinach, or spicy.
7. As you can kind of see here, I'm picky. Really picky. Really really picky.
8. My dream car would be a Porsche. A red one. Turbo SS. : )
9. I'd love to be an actress, a designer, a writer, or maybe a teacher.
10. I'd really love to take a world trip. Awesome!
11. One of my biggest passions right now is to take a VK!!!!! : )
12. Sorry! I'm lots of fun, happy, and artsy. I love to be outside even thought I'm not really a sporty type person. 
There is my 11-er, 12 facts about me. Hey, guess what? I'll have a competition. Whoever shows me they're my biggest fan can ask me a question-and I will answer directly, on a separate post.   

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