I Can't Believe It-We're Going On A VK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe it-I finally like the words on a vacation! Yay!! Well, my mom visited my blog yester' and said,"You are SO hilarious, girl." Well, not exactly, cause mom's don't say things like that. They say,"Your blog is very humourous, my daughter. I like it." Again, not exactly. They actually, actually say," You are so hilarious, _________" That blank is for my name. I can't tell you my name because I could be hacked-and WHY are you laughing?! I know you like to laugh-but I'm not accepting laughs right now. But I REALLY COULD be hacked and you'd be pouting because I was telling you 'I told you so' instead of you telling me that. Anyways back to the topic-what was the topic again? Yes. My name. My beautiful, purifying name. Hey! I should show you some of my stories.
NOT NOW, THOUGH! I know you're my adoring fans, but guess what? This busy socialite girl has a schedule too. Don't forget that. You're the fans, and I'm the fan attracter(that sounds weird), so don't forget about the main course here-you're lovely blog writer-moi.
So, ta-ta for now. Bye bye!! 

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